Saturday, February 13, 2010

Forgotten Friend

This is a very cheesy poem I wrote a while back based a little girl reminiscing about her old friend who was a boy.

We used to sit among all the grass and leaves,

Pretending we were in a far away jungle.
Shuffling the pebbles with our tiny hands like gold,
In our own little hiding place.

You left me so you could play with the bigger kids,
I fell over on the gravel trying to chase after you.
You used to tell me that boys didn’t cry.
But that day you cried even harder than me.

You stopped coming to our hiding place soon after,
I heard someone say you moved away.
I thought if I stopped playing with Barbie dolls you’d come back.

That was five years ago.

The trees in our hiding place died away with your presence,
My childhood dreams soon followed.
I replaced our stories with heavy textbooks

And stopped waiting for you.

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