Tuesday, December 29, 2009

If I wanna fly, I'll find a way to fly

Dwayne: You know what? Fuck beauty contests. Life is one fucking beauty contest after another. You know, school, then college, then work, fuck that. And fuck the air force academy. If I wanna fly, I'll find a way to fly. You do what you love, and fuck the rest.

Although repeatedly swearing, Dwayne from the film ‘Little Miss Sunshine’ definitely gets the message across. In contemporary society, human beings are brought down by many controlling factors which prevent them from achieving their dreams. Determinants such as family heritage, social expectations and the way we view ourselves all contribute to how we live our lives. We are never completely aware of how much man-kind has developed and evolved; the evidence of what we have achieved.

I have a color-blind grandfather who in the 1960s wanted to join the Chinese army. After continuously failing the vision test, he was close to a mental breakdown. ‘At the worst of times’, he would tell me, ‘I wanted to give up.’ He had all the reasons in the world to bail out and pursue a goal more realistic. Instead, he went home, memorized all of the answers to the color vision test. The next day, he sat through the test again and passed. The same color-blind man would go on to do many great things.

Let me tell you a story more widely known. A little girl growing up into poverty  becomes one of television’s most well known personalities. If I told you this could happen, would you believe me? You may say this is one of those lucky rags to riches story, but trust me, it isn’t. Oprah Winfrey grew up with almost nothing, not even a proper family. She was raped, abused and discriminated. Yet, somehow, she outlived her past and is now the richest African American of the 20th century. Pure luck or undermining strength? If we were living her childhood, all the traumas and hardships she had to go through, would we thrive, or would we wither away and give up?

There isn’t much to this article except my thoughts at the present moment. There is no point saying we can’t do something because of who we are or what we don’t have. Many notable people have defied against all of the odds to conclude that anything is possible.

 If you really want to fly, you'll find a way to fly.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Don't compromise your life away

A wise woman once told me; 'if you want to succeed, you must be firm, never compromise for the sake of others, only for yourself.' At first I declared her statement to be narcissitic. But now, as I remember all of the goals I have never achieved simply because I put my heart before my mind, I realize I have to change if I want to be happy.

Small things demonstrate who you are as a person. I spent two whole years in a friendship group I felt uncomfortable in. One of my friends encompassed all of the qualities to be successful, therefore, I felt it was necessary to incessantly please her. My imprudent decision to stay in the group made my life difficult. I was always living in someone else's shadow. I stopped speaking my mind and became a push over because I never objected to my friend's insults and criticisms. She felt it was her prerogative to criticize me. One day, finally, I had enough.

Despite my decision to leave the group, I still complied to other people's commands. Even at home, I accepted without question to all of my dad's bashful comments. I had never learnt how to retaliate, how to hold my family together through firmess. My dad is often an unreasonable man, my mum has been compromising her whole life. In spite of being a successful university lecturer, my mother has never discovered how to be a happy person. Her biggest flaw is her softness.

I am now cognizant of what I want and the person I want to be. This article is the last piece of my old self. I want to be happy, I won't compromise my life away.

And you shouldn't have to either.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Far too Asian?

It's December 25th in New Zealand. So, first of all, I want to say Merry Christmas! God Bless Everyone!

About a week ago, my Mum's friend drove us to a Wedding Party in Hamilton. In the car along with us were their two little children, a girl and a boy. During the ride to Hamilton, my Mother who is a Chinese parent was constantly lecturing me about how inappropriate it was to be wearing short shorts. Her friend, a New Zealander on the other hand simply laughed. From that one little incident, I could see a crucial difference between the parenting of Asian Parents and White Parents. White parents were more relaxed and casual, they take parenting as a leisure, not an obligation. Asian Parents on the other hand treat educating children as a task they must succeed in. Children, represent themselves, their own background and the way other people will view the family.

As we stopped for petrol, my Mum's friend's little girl cried for a bite to eat. Without hestitation, her Mum got out of the car, walked into the petrol station and returned with three mince pies, two ice creams and three creamed doughnuts. Despite my longing temptation to accept a mince pie, I declined without hesitation. The reason for my ungrateful gesture? My Mother's disgust towards junkfood. I realised only at that moment how harsh and disciplined Asian parents are. This can be a positive factor, or it can a negative. Parents need to give their children space and freedom. The controlling attitude Asian Parents hold towards their own children can make it difficult for them to make their own decisions. Their pressuring lectures usually begin with, 'You must never...' The never part always sounds intimidating, the desired effect. Asian parents are known for their possessive and controlling nature. They tend to choose everything for their children, from the clothes on their backs to the courses they study at university. What I've noticed about European parents is that they give their own children the chance to grow as individuals, to do what they dream of no matter how unrealistic the ambitions.

The expectations Asian children have to live up to is tremendous. They not only have to satisfy their own needs, but also the needs of their parents. My Grandmother, for instance, a traditional Chinese woman of high social status frowns at any unmarried women over the age of twenty five. 'You,' she would say to me, 'must get married as soon as you finish university.' For me, a teenager with absolutely no intentions of marriage or children could only shudder at the thought. Culture and up bringing play an inevitable role in the way Asian parents bring up their own children. A good education, a smart marriage and decent children are on every typical Asian person's agenda. The ones I admire are the ones who can go out into the world and liberate their own lives.

I am privileged to be living in a multicultural country, where I can fully experience different cultural upbringings. That is why I will not be brought down by the rules of heritage because sometimes, what you see isn't what you get. A polite, well educated Asian child may be suffering internal damage from struggling to meet his or her parents' and family's expectations. From what I have eye-witnessed and encountered from my own experiences and my many Asian friends, life is often difficult. Everyday is an inner conflict to satisfy our very Asian parents.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Develter's 'attempt' at constituting a threat

This was a conversation I had a little while back with my friend Develter on Face Book It is very entertaining to look back on it and remember all the death threats and harassments I had inflicted on poor Develter and her only attempt to get back at me. She is such a good friend, always humble, patient and intelligent. This is a message to say to her: Thank you for listening to all of my problems due to my constant depressed mood. I'm very grateful to have been in your math class for two years. It is such a great honour to have sat behind a genius.

October 18 at 7:00pm Alyssa Develter TAKE IT OFF... please?

October 18 at 7:00pm · Krystina Guo Actually, now that you've mentioned it. I think I might make it my display pic. ;)

October 18 at 8:06pm · Alyssa Develter But nobody would get that, and it'd bring you no satisfaction whatsoever...

October 18 at 8:10pm · Krystina Guo Oh it will bring me LOOOOOTS of satisfaction, don't you worry.

October 18 at 8:16pm · Alyssa Develter You woulnd't do it. You just changed your photo anyway.

October 18 at 8:19pm · Krystina Guo I don't want to pollute my beautiful page with your picture so I decided not to do it.;}

October 18 at 8:40pm · Alyssa Develter You don't want to pollute your beautiful photos wiht my picture either. You should really take it off. Preserve their beauty.

October 18 at 8:42pm · Krystina Guo No, your ugliness will only contrast with my beauty and therefore my pictures will seem even more lovelier.

October 18 at 8:51pm · Alyssa Develter No, my ugliness shall taint your pictures until they all seem to be as ugly as me.

October 18 at 8:52pm · Krystina Guo No, you ugliness creates variety to my album which illustrates that although I am beautiful, there is ugliness in the world.

October 18 at 8:57pm · Alyssa Develter No. When people go through your photos they may see the beauty of yuor photos, but then they will see me and they will then recall your photos with disgust.

October 18 at 8:59pm · Krystina Guo No, they will only admire me more after they've seen your face.

October 18 at 9:00pm · Alyssa Develter No, they won't. They'll still be disgusted by the shock of seeing me and no number of photos of you is going to change that.

October 18 at 9:02pm · Krystina Guo -.-" NO! Your photo is gonna stay and nothing you say is going to change that!

October 18 at 9:21pm · Alyssa Develter NO!!!!!!!!! *starts temper tantrum*

October 18 at 9:30pm · Krystina Guo =.= Gee Develter, grow up!

October 18 at 9:37pm · Alyssa Develter I haven't had a temper tantrum for over a decade!

October 18 at 10:05pm · Krystina Guo Lol. I highly doubt it.

Can't wait to grow up?

This post from secretzen.com(a site that allows people to anonymously share their darkess thoughts) makes me very sad because I never realised how fast I'm growing up. The reality in itself is; we are only children once in our lives and we can never relive those moments ever again. So why do we crave so desperately to grow up? To unleash our inner selves? To feel respected and desired? To be hurt, heartbroken and exposed to the harshness of the world? Do we really want to grow up?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How to succeed in life

I have recently come across an article on the internet called: How to succeed in life-Through famous quotes of the most successful people on earth. It is a very inspiring and motivating article based on quotes by people who have been through, experienced and succeeded in life. No copyright intended.

This is a repost and a slight modification from my old website. I thought it would be useful to post again:

Years ago I made it my desire to be successful in life and be able to give back to the world. I was raised on the principle that you should leave the world a better place than when you came.

I have searched high and low, read books, magazines, websites, listened to podcasts, and watched videos seeking guidance in my goals to be, in the words of Borat, a “great success.”

Although the idea of success is different to every person – whether it be money, fame, or something as simplistic as to have a good family life. I have learned that the rules and advice to reach your idea of success are the same everywhere for everyone.

Below is a list of the most common advice that I have collected from those who have made it. Note that in order to make the list, the advice, or some variation, had to of shown up more than once and from more than one person.

So here it is, what one should do in order to become successful.

Convince Your Brain That You Are Already Successful (Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Problogger.net)

I truly believe that the human mind is far more powerful than anything in the world. This is why navy seals can hold their breath for so long and why people can learn to ignore pain. With the proper training, you can train your mind to do about anything.

Convincing your brain that you have already achieved a goal makes you that much closer to it. I have learned that goals are much more difficult to achieve when they are placed up on a pedestal. Believing that you have attained them already keeps them on your level and makes them easier to achieve.

“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” -Bill Cosby

Learn To Go With Your Gut Instinct (Anyone who has ever founded a startup)

I remember a high school teacher of mine telling me to always go with my first instinct on a test. Well the same rule applies in life and in business. Always do what feels right at the time. Although you probably won’t be right every time, you will be when it really counts.

“When in doubt, don’t.” -Benjamin Franklin

Life Is All About Relationships So Don’t Burn Bridges (Tina Seelig, Stanford Professor)

“The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.” -Theodore Roosevelt

You will run into the same people over and over again in life so you need to make good relationships now.

You are not going to like everyone and everyone is not going to like you, no matter how nice of a person you are or how much you donate to charity. Just take a look at Bill Gates. He and his wife probably donate more to charity than anyone, yet he still had a group of people who hate him.

“Don’t be so petty. Sometimes you have to do business with people you don’t like. It doesn’t mean you have to be like them or like them.” -Donald Trump

Learn to treat all people with respect, no matter what.

“When angry count to ten before you speak. If very angry, count to one hundred.” -Thomas Jefferson

Learn Everything You Can On Sales And Marketing

“Anything that won’t sell, I don’t want to invent. Its sale is proof of utility, and utility is success… The value of an idea lies in the using of it.” -Thomas A. Edison

No matter how cool the newest technology is, it is useless unless it provides value.

Would you use the slick looking iPod if it was difficult to use? What if it didn’t even play music? Would you use Google if you got back a “No results found” message every time?

Create things with value to the user in mind before anything else. Then learn to convey your message.

Many Ideas Come Out Of Something That Already Exists

Barbara Carey has used this concept to bring over 100 products to market and acquire more than a dozen patents.

“There’s a way to do it better – find it.” -Thomas A. Edison

Be Persistent (Napoleon Hill, Barbara Carey)

“I never did anything by accident, nor did any of my inventions come by accident; they came by work… Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of progress.” -Thomas A. Edison

Successful people do not get that way accidentally nor do they usually achieve great success on the first try.

“All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure.” -Mark Twain

Make Mistakes Then Learn From Them

“Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure.” -Thomas A. Edison

If the answer is no, find out why. If you get the wrong answer, learn the right one.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” -Winston Churchill

Know Your Weaknesses And Surround Yourself With Positive People That Can Do What You Cannot

This is similar to the “self-fulfilling prophecy” and why many people who are told that they will never amount to anything often don’t. If somebody tells you enough times that you are a mongoose, after awhile you will probably start believing them. Surround yourself with encouraging people that believe in you and you will believe in yourself.

If you are passionate about your idea, it is likely that others will be also and they will want to help you. Call on those people when you need them.

Learn To Say No

Saying no to someone is better than saying yes and not being able to give 100%. I used to think that I could and should do everything I had an opportunity to do, but have since learned that it is not possible.

“You can do it all, just not all at the same time.” -Tina Seelig

Try New Things And Keep What Works

“When I have fully decided that a result is worth getting I go ahead of it and make trial after trial until it comes.” -Thomas A. Edison

Ideas are like baseball, your going to strike-out more than you hit out of the park and your probably going to bat under .500.

“Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results. I know several thousand things that won’t work.” -Thomas A. Edison

When You Are Ready To Quit, You Are Closer Than You Think (Bob Parsons, Founder of GoDaddy)

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” -Thomas A. Edison

Many things that have failed could of succeeded with a little more effort.

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” -Thomas A. Edison

Learn When To Call It Quits (Om Malik)

In contrast you don’t want to beat your head on to a wall repeatedly and expect different results.

As I said above, try lots of things and keep what works. If nothing works and your most creative part of your brain is exhausted. Maybe you should pull the plug. After all, the most important decision that we make everyday is what we spend our time on.

Never Miss An Opportunity

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Always give 100%.

“Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching.” -Thomas Jefferson

New Moon... Love it...?

'New Moon'. A great sequel to the disappointing 'Twilight', or just another tedious letdown? One thing is for sure, topless Tayler Launtner as werewolf Jacob Black has millions of girls going crazy. The big question is, did the movie really do the book justice?

It is majorly better than 'Twilight', but still reeks in comparison to other new releases such as 'Inglourious Basterds' and 'The Time Traveler's Wife'. The acting by newcomer Kirsten Stewart is unbelievable in many ways. Her face is often emotionless. Even during the most intestifying moments in the movie, her face looks like a stone ornament. Bella Swan in the book is demonstrated as a anxious and naive character who is hiding a deep secret. However, Stewart's stiff facial expressions did not give life to her character. Robert Pattison's acting is equally as tedious. His slow, dragging voice nearly brought me into deep sleep a few minutes into the movie. Luckily for me, his role in 'New Moon' is not nearly as significant as in 'Twilight'. 'New Moon' is Bella and Jacob's story. Taylor Launter is fantastic as the often sensitive and emotive werewolf Jacob. He has a vulnerability in the movie many teenagers can indentify as Jacob Black.

The book's storyline is followed, yes it is. However, what is brought to to life on screen is not nearly as interesting as on paper. The love between Bella Swan and Edward seems too good to be true. It gives teenagers a false impression that love is perfect. Love, according to 'New Moon' will always end happily, if you are a vampire.

In spite of my negativity towards 'New Moon', it isn't completely unpleasent. The backdrop of the film is beautiful and dreamlike. The forest setting seems to tell a story of it's own, a perfect destination for a fantasty movie. The story is monotonous, but the actors' fame have peaked. Taylor Launtner and Robert Pattison have once again proven their places as male sex symbols.

Whatever my thoughts are towards the movie, my usual strings of comments and rare compliments. I still can't deny the fact that 'New Moon' is still a teenage classic.

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Colorless Rose

This is a poem I wrote earlier last year. It is about depression and how sometimes we can feel we are not meeting the expectations set out by our families.

The Colorless Rose

I am looking through beautiful rose colored glass,
Picturesque window seals elaborated with gold.
Though time has passed my world is still black and white,
My thoughts remain dark spacious and cold.

In an imperfect world one still needs to be perfect,
Though I am a scentless, colorless rose.
Death will soon take a toll on the worthless flowers,
Leaving a merciless, heart filled dying note.

Goodbye my friend, family or lover,
A rose is worthless without its color.
Remember me as a once perfect friend,
The petals are falling, this is the end.

Remember me when the rose petals blow,
This is the story of the colorless rose.