Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Develter's 'attempt' at constituting a threat

This was a conversation I had a little while back with my friend Develter on Face Book It is very entertaining to look back on it and remember all the death threats and harassments I had inflicted on poor Develter and her only attempt to get back at me. She is such a good friend, always humble, patient and intelligent. This is a message to say to her: Thank you for listening to all of my problems due to my constant depressed mood. I'm very grateful to have been in your math class for two years. It is such a great honour to have sat behind a genius.

October 18 at 7:00pm Alyssa Develter TAKE IT OFF... please?

October 18 at 7:00pm · Krystina Guo Actually, now that you've mentioned it. I think I might make it my display pic. ;)

October 18 at 8:06pm · Alyssa Develter But nobody would get that, and it'd bring you no satisfaction whatsoever...

October 18 at 8:10pm · Krystina Guo Oh it will bring me LOOOOOTS of satisfaction, don't you worry.

October 18 at 8:16pm · Alyssa Develter You woulnd't do it. You just changed your photo anyway.

October 18 at 8:19pm · Krystina Guo I don't want to pollute my beautiful page with your picture so I decided not to do it.;}

October 18 at 8:40pm · Alyssa Develter You don't want to pollute your beautiful photos wiht my picture either. You should really take it off. Preserve their beauty.

October 18 at 8:42pm · Krystina Guo No, your ugliness will only contrast with my beauty and therefore my pictures will seem even more lovelier.

October 18 at 8:51pm · Alyssa Develter No, my ugliness shall taint your pictures until they all seem to be as ugly as me.

October 18 at 8:52pm · Krystina Guo No, you ugliness creates variety to my album which illustrates that although I am beautiful, there is ugliness in the world.

October 18 at 8:57pm · Alyssa Develter No. When people go through your photos they may see the beauty of yuor photos, but then they will see me and they will then recall your photos with disgust.

October 18 at 8:59pm · Krystina Guo No, they will only admire me more after they've seen your face.

October 18 at 9:00pm · Alyssa Develter No, they won't. They'll still be disgusted by the shock of seeing me and no number of photos of you is going to change that.

October 18 at 9:02pm · Krystina Guo -.-" NO! Your photo is gonna stay and nothing you say is going to change that!

October 18 at 9:21pm · Alyssa Develter NO!!!!!!!!! *starts temper tantrum*

October 18 at 9:30pm · Krystina Guo =.= Gee Develter, grow up!

October 18 at 9:37pm · Alyssa Develter I haven't had a temper tantrum for over a decade!

October 18 at 10:05pm · Krystina Guo Lol. I highly doubt it.

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