Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Avatar-Work of genius!

One word: AMAZING!!!!!

Sorry, got slightly carried away but Avatar is a once in a lifetime cinematic experience!

Since the creation of Titanic, the world has been waiting for James Cameron's return to the world of film. Now, after almost a decade, Cameron brings to life the amazing story of Avatar.

 The film is set in the year 2154 on planet Pandora, a blue moon like planet. Parker Selfridge operates a mining company which aims to exploit the valuable mineral found commonly on Pandora called the unobatium. The unobatium is said to be worth around twenty million dollars a kilogram. The creatures found on Planet Pandora are a race called the Na'vis which are much larger than humans, have very similar appearances to Native Indians and have direct relationships with nature.  Dr Grace Augustine, head of the Avatar programme is the genius in charge of researching the Na'vis. Due to the heavy paycheck, Jake Sully acts as a replacement for his murdered brother as an Avatar operator.  He is given a genetically engineered body which is made to look like a Na'vi called the Avatar. With the Avatar, Sully seeks out to understand more about the natives and to explore the land of Pandora.

From here, the story really begins.

Sam Worthington is phenomenal as the loyal but irrational Jake Sully. From knowing nothing about the Na'vis to forming an unbreakable bond with them, Worthington's performance is most believable. The audience forms a sense of deep connection with him as he goes on a journey of self-discovery . He holds a sense of admiration towards Neytiri, a Na'vi who saves him upon his arrival on Pandora.(Here comes the cheesy part.) That admiration gradually turns into love as she teaches him to fly and to catch animals. Sigourney Weaver is equally relatable as the overworked head researcher Dr Grace Augustine. She manages to generate an essence of both humour and sedateness. She too goes through a dramatic transformation. She begins her journey with the Na'vis as a mere researcher wanting to know more about their kind. But as she descends into a deeper relationship with the Pandora natives, she too becomes one of them. As she and Scully both fight to keep the Na'vis from being eradicated by biologist Norm Spellman played by Joel David Moore who is after the unobatium found on Pandora, Augustine is injured and killed. From this point on in the movie, Spellman's desire and greed begins to escalate as he loses all human sympathy. Joel David Moore's performance as Spellman dominates the whole movie. His physical appearance gives his character away as a tough and stubborn man which is exactly the case. The muscles on his face and arms tighten when he is angry and the room is quiet when he is speaking. A man with no emotions, no fear.

The movie relies primarily on its graphics and special effects. Watching Avatar in IMAX 3D made the experience come alive. It just goes to show what technology can create and will continue to create for our world. The world of Pandora is breathtaking. From every leaf in the forest to the last blue-skinned creature, the beauty of a non-existent world comes to life. Director James Cameron brings to screen an evolution that took almost ten years to make. But now, completed, Avatar sets a whole new standard for film-makers alike.

Avatar is the new future to film. A mixture of romance and science-fiction, Avatar is easily one of the best films of the year. With an emotional plot, excellent acting and the incredible visual effects, James Cameron waited ten years before Avatar's release. Why? He 'needed to wait until technology catches up.' Avatar is the revolution to cinema that we have all been waiting for.

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